Integrative Massage

Integrative massage therapy – An excellent way to alleviate pain and reduce the need for medicine.

Schedule an appointment at our  Thornton, CO location and you’ll benefit from integrative bodywork. With more than 60 years of experience, you’ll be in the best hands possible with all of our massage services. There’s a possibility that you’ve never heard of an integrative massage, but once you’ve had one, you’ll quickly become hooked. Not only is this a great way to relax and destress, but it also has many health benefits.

You first need to learn what an integrative massage is and what you can expect at our Thornton, CO, studio. In layman’s terms, this type of massage is an integration of various therapy techniques coming from different massage modalities. Some of these include Myofascial release, Trigger Point, Lymphatic, and Neuromuscular or deep tissue. Structural Integration is a process-based approach to somatic education, typically involving manual therapy, that explores the possibility of change in how you use and experience your body. Through education, awareness, and therapeutic touch, you can release painful, stressful patterns of tension. Effortful habits are replaced with feelings of comfort, ease of movement and posture, and a sense of whole-body coherence. Our therapists have a vast knowledge of and experience in each of these.

Integrative Therapeutic Massage Thornton CO
Integrative Therapy Thornton CO
Integrative Massage Thornton CO

Key Benefits of Integrative Massage Therapy

Most people experience several kinds of body aches. For that reason, one specific type of massage cannot address everything. However, integrative massage therapy can. Since this consists of many different techniques, our licensed professionals can target different areas of the body using the appropriate massage method. At Intrepid Bodyworks, it’s important for our clients to work closely with the therapists. That partnership is what makes this innovative practice so successful.

As a combination of techniques, integrative massage therapy delivers multiple benefits. However, the primary focus is on pain reduction. Whether you suffer from migraine headaches, lower back pain, joint pain, or another kind of body ache, this massage will make all the difference in the world. Some of the people we treat experience results so significant, their medical doctors take them off pain medicine. That’s a true testament to the benefits of integrative massage therapy.
Every person and every physical body is unique. That’s why our therapists at Intrepid Bodyworks build a trusting relationship with clients. Together, they discuss concerns, goals, and treatment options. As a result, the therapist will be able to customize a treatment plan on a client by client basis. Our goal is to surpass expectations.

Do Your Body a Favor – Consider an Integrative Therapeutic Massage

With this massage therapy, as well as others that we provide, there’s no need to keep looking online for an “integrative therapeutic massage near me.” Located in Thornton, CO, we welcome Northglenn, CO and Westminster, CO residents to book the best massage services north of Denver. Simply call us at 720-388-0439 to schedule an appointment. At Intrepid Bodyworks, we would love to be part of your journey to a better YOU.

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